Online GK question for competitive examination


প্রিয় ছাত্র ছাত্রীরা,

এই পোস্ট টি তোমাদের শেয়ার করছি অইলাইন মক টেস্ট এর জন্য, এই টেস্ট টিতে “Online General knowledge for competitive examination Mock Test -6 “ মোট 25 টি প্রশ্ন রয়েছে পুরো টেস্ট টি সম্পূর্ণ করতে ১৫ মিনিট সময় পাবে , তাই দেরি না করে নীচে দেওয়া স্টার্ট bottom ক্লিক করো, পুরো মক টেস্ট টি pdf প্রতিদিন telegram এ দেওয়া হয় তাই সবাই টেলিগ্রাম এ যুক্ত হও । 


General Studies

Online General Knowledge question mock test

Total Question  - 25 pcs
Sub: General Knowledge
Time : 15 Min

1 / 25

1. When was zero hour introduced in the parliamentar affairs in India?

2 / 25

2. Chilka lake is located in:

3 / 25

3. Civil Services Day is observed in India on which day?

4 / 25

4. Which is the gland that holds the body's thermostat?

5 / 25

5. Who is considered the father of Sahatara

6 / 25

6. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress?

7 / 25

7. Sour milk contains

8 / 25

8. Which chess player has won the 48th La Roda International Open chess tournament in Spain?

9 / 25

9. Who is called the Father of Economics?

10 / 25

10. Aspirin is

11 / 25

11. The fertile land between two rivers is called

12 / 25

12. 'Lakh Baksh' was a title given to the ruler

13 / 25

13. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy?

14 / 25

14. Mist is caused by

15 / 25

15. Who is the author of the book "The Boy Who Wrote a Constitution"?

16 / 25

16. The paintings of Ajanta depict the stories of

17 / 25

17. In which of the following is the Great Barrier Reef located?

18 / 25

18. Which of the following is the inalienable attribute of the parliamentary system of government?

19 / 25

19. Fa-hien visited India during the reign of

20 / 25

20. Reserve Bank of India keeps some securities against notes

21 / 25

21. India's first portable solar rooftop system has been inaugurated in which city?

22 / 25

22. The outermost layer of sun is called

23 / 25

23. Who was the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly of India?

24 / 25

24. In which State is the folk painting 'Madhubani'popular ?

25 / 25

25. Who is hailed as the "God of Medicine" by the practitioners of Ayurveda?

পূর্বের মক টেস্ট –

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প্রতিদিন নিয়মিত মক টেস্ট পেতে আমাদের টেলিগ্রাম এ যুক্ত হন

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